Woodland Hills Church

This large church in Minnesota draws thousands of visitors from around the country either in person or through the podcast, partly due to the notoriety of their senior pastor Greg Boyd. The website has lots of custom-coded functionality, including the ability to search and filter sermons, classes, volunteer opportunities, and events.

The theme was custom-coded to match a design which was done by an agency in St. Paul, MN. It features a megamenu (which can still be easily updated by the client), smart sidebars (which change out depending on what area of the site you are in), and click event tracking through Google Tag Manager so that they can more easily see who is using what feature of the website. In particular, they wanted to know whether or not to continue writing up extended summaries of the sermons each week. The summary is hidden inside of a expandable div, (not a separate page) so we used Google Tag Manager to track when people clicked on the button to display it. (turns out, 67% of users do read them :))

Check out the site